There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Agincourt Lunch Cook Thank Yous<br /><br /><br /><br />Good morning BMDL-<br /><br />I must proclaim how humbled I am at the amount of support - help - offers to carry - etc that I have received in order to put out the day board at Agincourt on Saturday. I am going to most doubtedly miss someone so I ask all gentles to tag those people to make sure they are aware of my appreciation. I had a wonderful time "feeding all the people!l and look forward to the next time I get the chance to do so...<br /><br />To (Shawn MacIntyre) and (Sunshine MacIntyre) for putting on an amazing event and continually checking to make sure we had everything we needed.<br /><br />To Jennifer Ja Strobel for one year ago allowing me to make a cake and having the faith in me to ask me to cook the dayboard and share her kitchen.<br /><br />To Brie Montgomery and Antoinette de la Croix for the dayboard menu scroll. To Nicola Kendall for the feast menu scroll. To Kristina Kaufman - Ashling for the description cards for the dayboard.<br /><br />The following three ladies spent months planning with me and hours of prepping to make key items on the dayboard happen and to be most delicious. Without them - this could have happened. It was an honor and a pleasure to cook and learn from you in the kitchen.<br /><br />Lynn Harvey- your hand made noodles and Mac n cheese was awesome. You - your husband and son were so much help.<br /><br />Suzanne Ackley-Perot for let alone making the drive to the event and for the scrumptious chicken and wafers. I hope to repay the help in February.<br /><br />Cassandra Nelson- for curing and smoking the pork - the mustard - the sauerkraut the unbelievable smoked olives and for the calmness when I went - oh they are gonna hate the food.<br /><br />On Friday and Saturday the following people "did the thing" and made our game a reality. Thank you so very much and please let me know when I can repay the helping hands.<br /><br />April McCoy!
Duncan - your husband and your boys<br />Lake Strobel<br />Ray Strobel<br />Ottilige von Rappoltsweiler<br />Drake<br />Mac<br />Tory<br />Bethany Klick<br />Josh<br />Amanda - your first event!! Welcome<br />Saj - the apple of my eye<br />Katja<br />Kristie Seib<br />Keirin Lazauskas-Ralff<br />Dennis Ralff<br />The armored fighters that kept the outside dish washing station under control.<br /><br />Please share with anyone that I may have missed and know I am truly moved by our Barony and friends. Thank you so very much.<br /><br />Yours in Service -<br /><br />Lady Zianna Beguy Urdina de Zabaleta<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />