<div dir="ltr"><div>Here begins the report of the Court of Uilliam and Constance, Baron
and Baroness of the Debatable Lands at Iron Comet, 29 August AS L,
Drotinn Jorundr hinn Rotinn, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.<br><br></div><div>Upon ascertaining that all had fun this day Their Excellencies proceeded with the business of Their Court.<br><br></div><div>There
were still 50/50 raffle tickets for sale, interested parties should
seek out Baroness Elizabeth Arrowsmyth before the end of court.<br><br></div><div>Mistress
Arianna of Wynthrope spoke of the youth fighting tournament this day.
Jay was the victor in his first tournament, on the day he authorized.
Sara came in second. Karl was given a token for his enthusiasm and
chivalric behavior on the field, His Excellency noted that in Karl's
enthusiasm he even forgot his belt, which His Excellency returned.<br><br></div><div>The victor in the fencing tournament was Sir Kadan Chákhilgan Ger on Echen.<br><br></div><div>The victor in the heavy weapons tournament was THL Jussi Laplein.<br><br></div><div>The victors in the archery competition were Lady Ghalyla bint Joseph for the adults and Otto Brandulfarson for the youth.<br><br></div><div>The victor in the thrown weapons tournament was Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill.<br><br></div><div>The
victors in the Arts and Sciences competition were Mistress Baga Aleea,
who took part as an adult, and Otto Brandulfarson, for the youth.<br><br></div><div>The victor in the equestrian tournament was THL Morian McBain.<br><br></div><div>The Iron Comet Champion was Lord Robert MacEwin of Thornhill, by 1 point. Scroll by Countess Anna Leigh.<br><br></div><div>The Iron Comet Youth Champion was Otto Brandulfarson. Scroll by Countess Anna Leigh.<br><br></div><div>Their
Excellencies had business with Sir Thomas Byron of Haverford and Sir
Ariella of Thornbury. The tactics of these two greatly amused His
Excellency during the siege battle, as they helped Æthelmearc to victory
with many rocks to the face. Thus in commemoration of this event Their
Excellencies presented them with rocks from their own home group so that
they might remember this forever.<br><br></div><div>Baroness Elizabeth
Arrowsmyth wished to thank all who came to the event. She wished to
thank THL Elss of Augsburg and her kitchen staff for the tasty food of
the day. She wished to thank Master Bovi Farmthr for making the Iron
Comet Champion Medallions, and Lady Hara Kikumatsu, and Ishiyama-roku-i
Gen'tarou Yori'ie for making the kumihimo cords they hung on. She also
wished to thank the entirety of her staff for making the day work.<br><br></div><div>Lord
Robert MacEwin of Thornhill, being severely missed as he had been out
of Their Excellencies' presence for several minutes was recalled. Their
Excellencies noted that Robert has been pursuing the arts martial for
some time and prospering, first as a youth and now as an adult, in both
fencing and heavy weapons, fighting both forms on the field at Pennsic.
For this they awarded Robert a Red Comet. Scroll by THLady Rachel
Dalicieux with words by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope.<br><br></div><div>Their Excellencies had words for Lady
Ceindrech verch Elidir. Ceindrich not only sings in the Debatable Choir
but she has put much time into the research of period knitting,
especially socks, about which she has taught several classes to share
her knowledge and passion. This caused Their Excellencies great joy, and
so They awarded her a Blue-Silver Comet. Scroll Illuminated by Baroness
Cecilly of Whitehaven with calligraphy by Kameshima-kyo Zentarou
Umakai.<br><br></div><div>Their Excellencies had business with
Kameshima-kyo Zentarou Umakai. It appears that the scroll commemorating
his Blue-Silver Comet, which had been awarded at Pennsic 43 had finally
been completed, thus They were pleased to unite him with it. Scroll
illuminated by Ishiyama-roku-i Gen'tarou Yori'ie with calligraphy by Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope.<br><br><br></div><div>Another
scroll had made its way to Their Excellencies' hands from the backlog
list. Lady Rivka bat Danyiel's scroll for her Blue-Silver comet from
Pennsic 44 was delivered to her. The scroll being the work of Frusin
Bajor's illumination and Istvan Burkos' calligraphy.<br><br></div><div>Their
Excellencies had words for Otto and Carl Brandulfarson. Their
Excellencies were well pleased with the activities of these youth of the
Barony. They shoot archery, and are youth fighters, further they both
competed this day in the Iron Comet, producing fine entries for the
A&S competition. Thus Their Excellencies did award them each a
Purple Comet. Otto's scroll unsigned. Carl's scroll illuminated by Dame
Margaret Makafee with calligraphy by Hieronima de Alcala.<br><br></div><div>His
Excellency wished to laud those who participated in a new activity this
day as part of this challenge, and to further challenge everyone else
to do so for the future.<br><br></div><div>Her Excellency wished to
thank the populace for the many cards She received during her recent
hospitalization, they truly raised Her spirits, and aided in Her
convalescence.<br><br></div><div>The 50/50 raffle was drawn and THL Deryk Archer was the winner.<br><br></div><div>Court closed.<br></div></div>