<div dir="ltr">Greetings to all Youth Fighters and their parents!<br><br>Last Sunday we had a great practice with two Div 1 fighters (including Tiernon from Ballachlagan attending his first practice - welcome, Tiernon!), two Div 2 fighters, and one Div. 3 fighter.<div>
<br></div><div>Thanks to sparring marshals Sir Vlad, Count Sir Isenwulf, THL Rosalia, and Lord Garreth for working with our D2 and D3 fighters! They learned a lot and enjoyed the challenge.<br><br>Debatable Lands Youth Fighter practice continues this Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at the Environmental Charter School (ECS) near Frick Park in the East End, at 829 Milton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. Enter through the front door of the building, on Henrietta St. Map here: <a href="http://goo.gl/maps/8SjJQ ">http://goo.gl/maps/8SjJQ </a><br>
<br>I will have the usual loaner gear and snacks. Please bring a water bottle.<br><br>The schedule for youth fighter practices for the next month is:<br><br>Mar 16 - Practice at the ECS<br>Mar. 23 - NO PRACTICE, I will be at Ice Dragon in Rhydderich Hael<br>
Mar. 30 - Practice at the ECS</div><div>April 6 - First outdoor practice at Washington Blvd, ECS as backup in case of bad weather<br><br>FYI, there will be a Youth Combat Tournament at <b>Ice Dragon </b>on <b>March 23</b> in the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael (Buffalo, NY). For those inclined to travel, this is the biggest indoor event in the Kingdom, usually attracting 600-800 people, and it's jam-packed with things to do in addition to youth fighting - a huge A&S pentathlon, adult fighting and fencing tourneys, tons of merchants, entertainment, and just generally lots of fun. More info here: <a href="http://aethelmearc.org/eventinfo.php?event=890">http://aethelmearc.org/eventinfo.php?event=890</a><br>
<br>In addition, I will be running youth fighting at the <b>Donnan Party </b>event in Ballachlagan on <b>March 29</b>. This will be a special session aimed at giving new youth fighters in Ballachlagan (who I'm told are mostly D1s) an opportunity to try combat. Any youth fighters who can attend and are willing to help teach newer kids would be very much appreciated, especially authorized D1s. We're tentatively planning to begin around 1pm.<br>
<br>We expect to move back outdoors the first weekend in April, to our traditional summer practice site at the corner of Washington Blvd. and Allegheny River Blvd. in the East End of Pittsburgh. THL Rosalia has said the ECS can be available for fighting and fencing practices as a backup in case of bad weather.<br>
<br>I hope to see you on Sunday!<br><br>Arianna<br></div></div>