<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Here
begins the report of the court of Uilliam and Constance, Baron and
Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Pennsic War XLII AS 48, Jorundr hinn
Rotinn, Comet Pursuivant, reporting.<br>
<br></div>Sunday July 28 at the baronial reception in Æthelmearc royal encampment.<br><br></div>Their
Excellencies greeted the assembled populace and expressed Their delight
for all the good food present and hoped that everyone present enjoyed
it as much as They did. They further remarked that the food of the
Debatable Lands has been remarked on by our friends from other groups,
tempting them to travel from afar that they might partake of the
offerings from the barony's tables.<br>
<br></div>Lady Isabel Fleurtan was invited to address the court as the
host of the reception. Isabel pleaded with those assembled to eat all
the food, for if there was any left it would only serve to be a most
heavy burden. Isabel wished to also thank all those who helped in the
preparation of the reception, including, among many others, Lady Alime
bint Yorgi and Lady Abbatissa of Banebury.<br>
<br></div>The presence of Jocelyn of Tyburn was next called for. Their
Excellencies had two pieces of business with Jocelyn that had been
chasing her for some time. Khan Khalen and Kahtun Branwyn had awarded
Jocelyn arms at Agincout, but Jocelyn was not there to receive the
accolade herself, so Their Excellencies carried the words of Their
Majesties to Jocelyn. Their Excellencies had Their own further business
with Jocelyn, for word of her deeds had traveled to Them as well, for
Jocelyn is widely known for helping in kitchens, retaining, and guarding
at Pennsic, for these it pleased Their Excellencies to award her a Gold
comet. Scroll by Countess Aidan ni Lier.<br>
<br></div>Their Excellencies looked upon Their populace and desired Lady
Allyssa von Stahlgeist to present herself before Them. Allyssa has long
been doing good works about the barony. She has assisted with such
diverse areas as food service, list running, teaching, and marshaling.
Recently she has gone even further upon this dangerous path by traveling
to Misty Highlands to teach a class on 14th Century Hightable service
that she first put together when she was 14. These deeds were judged to
be good by Their Excellencies and so were moved to award Allyssa a Gold
Comet. Scroll illuminated by Lady Elizabeth Arrowsmith with calligraphy
by THLady Anlaith ingen Trena.<br>
<br></div>Aemelia Soteria and Don Will Parris were called forward. It
had been brought to Their Excellencies' attention that these two gentles
shared a birthday and this was that day. Thus it pleased Them to ask
the assembled populace to join them in wishing Aemelia and Will a happy
<br>Aemelia was asked to stay a while for she had hit the ground running
when she joined the society and Their Excellencies had seen this. She
has trained as an MOL and has assisted with running several tournaments
with a smile always on her face. These are good things, thus Their
Excellencies were moved to award her a Gold Comet. Scroll illuminated by
Countess Rosalinda of Castile with calligraphy by Mistress Antoinette
de la Croix with words by Duke Malcolm MacEoghan.<br>
<br></div>Their Excellencies next called before them Maistir Brandubh
O'Donnghaile. Who had been asked to carry Their words which They wished
to direct to Their herald, Lord Jorundr hinn Rotinn for the work he has
done. So they awarded him a Gold Comet. Scroll by Lady Rachel Daliceux
with words by Master Alaris MacConnal.<br>
<br></div>Lady Rachel Daliceux was asked to present herself. Though
Rachel lives in the borders of St. Swithin's Bog she is very active in
the Debatable Lands. She is a member of the Debatable Choir and has put
her hand to many scrolls for baronial awards. For this Their
Excellencies awarded her a Green Comet. Scroll illumination and words by
Master Alaric MacConnal with calligraphy and fancy letters by THLord
Kieran Mac Rae.<br>
<br></div>Their Excellencies next awarded Anne von Schmetterling a Red
Comet in abstentia for her skill at thrown weapons though she has only
recently begun this martial art. Scroll illuminated by Odriana vander
Brugghe with calligraphy by THLord Kieran Mac Rae.<br>
<br></div>Mistress Hildarun Hügelman asked leave of Their Excellencies
to conduct some personal business in Their court. Hildarun wished to
speak with Hara of the Debatable Lands, both of them being
straightforward women Hilda wished to proceed in a straightforward way.
Hilda offered Hara a protege belt which Hara accepted, the belt which
was dyed by the hands of Hara and was hand sewn by Hilda and would stand
as a symbol of all that the two shall teach each other in the future.<br>
<br></div>Their Excellencies bade Hilda to tarry a little longer however
as They had business of Their own to carry out. Hilda has long
supported this barony, longer even than Liam has been in the barony, she
has held multiple officer positions including exchequer and seneschal.
and she has left her mark as a communicator, peacemaker, and
interpretive dancer far and wide. This is why Their Excellencies felt
moved to induct her into the newly renamed Order of Copernicus, formerly
the Baronial Award of Excellence. Scroll by Lady Isabel Fleurtan.<br>
<br></div>Baron Alonzio and Baroness Alex were invited to address the
populace. The war was going well from a commander's perspective, the
Allied Champions had gone well. Further out of 200 fighters from
Æthelmearc 100 were from Aethelwald.<br>
<br></div>Andros Duran who had been absent earlier was glimpsed
lingering on the edges of court by Their Excellencies, thus They bade
him join them. Andros has been a fighter and combat archer for years and
has been helping others create ammunition and armament so that all
might be prepared for War. Thus They awarded him a Red Comet. Scroll by
THLady Anlaith ingen Trena.<br>
<br></div>THLady Zoe Akropolitina was now present, and so Their
Excellencies bade her present herself to Them. Zoe has long served as a
heavy fighter and recruiter of combat archers. She has further served as
a field commander and tactical adviser to Liam. This is a good thing
and for all good things there is a price. So Zoe was awarded a Red Comet
so that her example would inspire others. Scroll by Countess Aidan ni
<br></div>Their Excellencies reminded everybody to drink water and use sunscreen and to have have.<br><br></div>Court Suspended.<br><br></div>Monday night July 29 Polyhymnia camp.<br><br></div>Their
Excellencies ordered Lady Luceta di Cosimo to attend Them. It has been
brought to Their Excellencies' attention that Luceta makes wonderful
works of art for people to shoot, she further works with Ii Genisii, and
teaches classes at Pennsic. This work pleases Their Excellencies and so
They awarded her a Blue-Silver Comet. Scroll by Countess Aidan ni Lier<br>
.<br><br></div>Court Closed.<br></div>