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See below. Please let me know if you have any questions.<br><br>~Hilda, Seneschale<br><br><div><div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div>> From: shuurag@rochester.rr.com<br>> To: discussion@aethelmearc.org<br>> Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 16:44:21 -0500<br>> Subject: [SCA-AE] Greetings to the Populace of Aethelmearc<br>> <br>> >From Khalek and Branwyn, Khan and Khatun of Sylvan Aethelmearc, Greetings<br>> unto Our Fair Populace,<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> Last year the Society faced a crisis and a choice regarding a legal dispute.<br>> The details of the litigation are not important, save to say that for<br>> fiscally responsible reasons the Society decided to settle. Unfortunately<br>> one of the insurance carriers for the Society decided not to support that<br>> decision and did not pay the claim the Society had. This in turn led to all<br>> of the kingdoms coming together as a whole and contributing from their<br>> coffers to ensure that the Society met the terms of its settlement in the<br>> litigation. While for a very adverse situation, this was one of those times<br>> that prove that not only our Kingdom, but our Society, is truly made up of<br>> great people who support each other and the Dream that we strive to live. <br>> <br>> Every local group in Aethelmearc contributed, and We wish to thank you all<br>> for that support.<br>> <br>> Naturally, the Board is working on initiatives to help prevent cases from<br>> happening, and to help mitigate matters if crisis occurs, and we will look<br>> for them to roll those out in the near future.<br>> <br>> That is not the end of that story however. We are pleased to announce that<br>> the Society did pursue a case against the insurance carrier in order to try<br>> and recoup at least a portion of what we all paid, and that the Board has<br>> reported to us that a settlement has been reached in that case, and that<br>> approximately 2/3 of those funds will be recovered. And so, those<br>> contributions that Aethelmearc made, or rather 2/3 of them, will return to<br>> Aethelmearc. And We will be working with the financial committee to<br>> distribute those funds properly back to the local groups.<br>> <br>> We would like to think of this as a sign that doing the right thing,<br>> supporting each other, does work out in the end. <br>> <br>> We are proud to serve such people as you, who can band together and triumph<br>> over crisis, and who keep this Dream alive. <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> Many many thanks,<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> Khalek and Branwyn<br>> <br>> Khan and Khatun of Aethelmearc<br>> <br>> _________________________________________________________________________<br>> Sca-aethelmearc mailing list<br>> To post, you must send to either <br>> discussion@aethelmearc.org for general discussion or announcements@aethelmearc.org for official kingdom announcements.<br>> Visit https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/mailman/listinfo/sca-aethelmearc for:<br>> more info, archives, subscription changes, etc.<br>> When replying to posts, you should remove excess quotage.<br>> _________________________________________________________________________<br></div>                                            </div></body>