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Remember that Barony Meeting is today, see below.<br><br>Looks like rain this morning, but the afternoon should be clear. High temps only (!) near 90, so bring water, and apply sunscreen! Bring chairs/shade if you got 'em. <br><br>If anyone has a table they have room to bring, we'd love to borrow it (we always seem to be a bit short on table space).<br><br>See you there!<br><br>In Levitate et Caritate,<br>~Hilda, Seneschale<br><br><div><div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div><hr id="stopSpelling">From: hildasca@hotmail.com<br>To: sca-bmdl@lists.andrew.cmu.edu; steltonwald@yahoogroups.com<br>Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 13:52:44 -0400<br>Subject: [SCA-BMDL] July Barony Meeting THIS Sunday!<br><br>
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Please join us for our July Barony Meeting, this Sunday, July 8th, at the Washington Blvd practice site (<a href="http://www.debatablelands.org/fight_directions.html" target="_blank">http://www.debatablelands.org/fight_directions.html</a>). As usual, in addition to great companionship, our focus will be "Pennsic Prep", featuring the 3rd annual "Garb Goodwill" hosted by Their Excellencies Baron Liam and Baroness Constance. The meeting itself is at 1:30pm, but the activities start at 11am.<br>
Here's the schedule:<br>-Practices at normal times (Rapier, Archery, Thrown Weapons at 11am; Heavy and Youth Fighting at 2pm)<br>-Garb Goodwill at Noon<br>
-"Your First Pennsic" class at 12:30pm<br>
-Officers' Meeting at 1pm (open to the public)<br>-Announcements at 1:30pm<br>
-Garb Triage throughout the afternoon<br>
**Garb Goodwill info:<br>
With the success of the past several years Garb Goodwill, we have decided to do it once again. We have many new people that have little or nothing to wear to Pennsic, won't you help clothe them?<br>
Here is what is needed:<br>- Gently Worn Garb, or garb that doesn't quite fit anymore.<br>- Armor - if you have armor that doesn't quite fit or that you don't use<br>- Feast Gear<br>- Cloth (that can be used to make garb)<br>- Camp Gear<br>
The Garb Goodwill will be open to everyone, however, Let New members of the society look through things first. <br>
**Join our own Lady Alays de Rambert at 12:30 pm for her class: "Your First Pennsic". Lady Alays has nearly 2 decades of Pennsic experience under her belt and is wise in the ways of Pennsic-going. If it will be one of your first Pennsics, or you just haven't been in a while, come listen to her pearls of wisdom.<br>
**Garb Triage! The garb you are sewing have some kind of issue you just can't get past? Gussets? Armholes? Gores? Necklines? Our crack team of garb experts, Baroness Constance and Mistress Ts'vee'a, will be available to give tips and tricks. Bring your troubled clothes for an expert diagnosis!<br>
**Every kind of Pennsic schedule will be available to peruse. Bring a pen!<br>
Bring snacks, seats, shade and water if you got it (there will some shade and water there). No garb. Rain date is July 15th, but we're looking good weather-wise so far.<br>
In Levitate et Caritate,<br>
~Hilda, Seneschale<br><br>                                            </div>
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