Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands,<br><br>This is it. There is no other time than now!<br><br>Stand for your Kingdom amongst the 300<br><br>Come. Authorize. And be counted.<br>
<br>Thursday Nights 6 pm til dark.<br>705 (the empty lot beside 707) Hemlock ST Pittsburgh PA 15202<br>(directions hyper text below)<br><br>This
is a "straight up get the new folks ready to for authorization"
practice.<br><br>Directions to <a href=",+Pittsburgh,+PA&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8834f50e3e74d99f:0x52015bb08e42b568,705+Hemlock+St,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15202&gl=us&ei=mZjXT9fxAuiG6QGH6q2MAw&oi=geocode_result&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA" target="_blank">705 Hemlock ST</a> <--- click address.<br>
<br>Upcoming of note:<br><br>
Training Time will reoccur Thurdays nights 6 pm - dark til Pennsic unless otherwise noted. <br>July 8th Sunderoak and BMDL will have a combined practice at Washington Blvd. 2 - 6.<br>July 15th Regional Muster Melee practice at Washington Blvd.<br>
<br>See you at practice - Shiro<br><br>Busho Ogami Arashimoto Shirou (or just plain ole Shiro)<br>Squire to Sir Ogami Akira<br>BMDL Baronial Knight Marshal<br><a href="tel:412%20415%203336" value="+14124153336" target="_blank">412 415 3336</a>