Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands,<br><br>In years to come when they tell the tales of Aethelmearc's war round camp fires on cold n' misty nights, will your name be counted amongst the legends that strode upon the field?<br>
<br>Lord Markus and Lady Sumaya will.<br><br>300 have been called for. Will you answer?<br><br>Justin and Alex have.<br><br>Heed the call with sword, bow or ballista and rally round the banner, come to Training Time.<br>
<br>Training Time is a midweek BMDL practice to enable authorization of those who hear Aethelmearc calling them. Be one of the legendary 300.<br><br>Heavy List, Combat Archery and Siege Engineering we will train you.<br>
<br>Thursday Nights 6 pm til dark. (For the month June)<br>705 (the empty lot beside 707) Hemlock ST Pittsburgh PA 15202<br>(directions hyper text below)<br><br>This
is a straight up get the new folks ready to for authorization
practice.<br><br>Directions to <a href=",+Pittsburgh,+PA&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8834f50e3e74d99f:0x52015bb08e42b568,705+Hemlock+St,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15202&gl=us&ei=mZjXT9fxAuiG6QGH6q2MAw&oi=geocode_result&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA" target="_blank">705 Hemlock ST</a> <--- click address.<br>
<br>Upcoming of note:<br><br>July 8th Sunderoak and BMDL will have a combined practice at Washington Blvd. 2 - 6.<br>June 30th Regional Muster Practice in Stormsport.<br>Training Time returns to Wednesday nights 6 - Dark in July.<br>
<br>See you at practice - Shiro<br><br>Busho Ogami Arashimoto no Shirou (or just plain ole Shiro)<br>Squire to Sir Ogami Akira<br>BMDL Baronial Knight Marshal<br><a href="tel:412%20415%203336" value="+14124153336" target="_blank">412 415 3336</a>