Unto the fair gentles of the greatest Kingdom of Aethelmearc does Lady Isabel Fleuretan, retired QRC autocrat bid greetings!<br>There were so many hands that made the event this past weekend a glorious celebration! These gentles took the time out of their day to help us create the magic and we could not have done it without them.<br>
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!<br><br>Baron Will Langdon of Greymorne<br>Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr<br>Baron Liam MacanTsaoir<br>Busho Ogami Arashimoto no Shirou<br>Master Alastar Scott MacCrummin<br>Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope<br>
Master Alaric MacConnal<br>Mistress Maria Cristina de Cordoba<br>Mistress Ysabell Graver<br>Master Brandubh O'Donnghaile<br>Mistress Gianna di Aurelio<br>Sir Magariki Katsuichi no Koredono<br>Dona Illadore de Bedegrayne<br>
THL Kameshima Zentarou Umakai<br>THL Zoe Akropolitina<br>THL Katla Ulfhedinn<br>Lord Robert pour maintenant<br>Lady Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill<br>Lady Anna Leigh<br>Lady Alime bint Yorgi<br>Lord Jorundr hinn Rotinn<br>Lady Katherine Sinclaire<br>
Lady Elss of Augsburg<br>Lady Meadhbh inghean Ui Bhaoghill<br>Lady Minamoto Sakurako<br>Lady Sigrith Bjornulfsdottir<br>Lord Yamamoto Takutarou Hikaru<br>Lady Elsa Taliard<br>Lord Robert McEwin of Thornhill<br>Lord Ffynthcor O Fyndham<br>
Lady Daria of Danegeld Tor<br>Lord Marcus skalpr Grimsson<br>Abbatissa of Banbury<br>Runa Thorgrimsdottir<br>Elizabeth Hogue<br>Rowan ni Naradhaigh<br>Kenneth of the Debatable Lands<br>Justin<br><br>I will never know all of the people who took a moment to help but please, know that I appreciate your service. Please let me know who you are so that I may properly thank you!<br>
<br>In service,<br>~Lady Isabel Fleuretan<br><br>