Many thanks to all those who helped make the CMU Fighting Schola a success.<br><br>Our excellent teachers:<br>THL Hilda Hugelman<br>His Majesty Sir Isenwulf<br>Baron Shiro<br>Lord Bors<br>Sir Alonzio<br><br>Those who came and helped students get into armor, and acted as sparring partners, and teaching assistants<br>
THL Zoe Akropolitina<br>Lord Konstantinos<br>Rolf<br>Lord Hikaru<br><br>Additional thanks:<br> to Hilda and Shiro who encouraged me and mentored me in organizing this Schola Series, and also came, supported, and talked with curious students.<br>
to Sigrith Bjornolfsdottir, who has been a part of every effort in getting CMU students involved in the last couple years, demonstrated by her support at every Schola session, though she is not a fighter.<br>to others I may have forgotten (apologizes to anyone I did forget)<br>
<br>And finally, thanks to all the students that came and inspired us by their excitement for learning and being part of the SCA.<br><br>Yours in service,<br>Lady Cynewyn <br>"Kinawin"<br><br><br><br>