Odriana vander Brugghe has graciously offered to provide a pop up tent and table for anyone who might be interested in bringing their projects to the regularly scheduled BMDL Fighter practices on Washingtown Blvd each Sunday.<br>
<br>Bring out your knitting, sewing, scrolls, finger loop braiding (my newly learned art!), kumahimo, wood block printing, etc, etc, etc. and spend a few hours with friends while feeling productive!<br>
<br>I image we'll try to keep it going until Pennsic. There is NO electricity at the site, so it's truly medieval. :) <br><br>Come join us for BMDL Sunday Fighter Practice at Washington Blvd<br>
Park<<a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=40.4832,+-79.9085+%28Highland+Park+Practice+Site%29&ll=40.483189,-79.9085&spn=0.030356,0.037293&om=1" target="_blank">http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=40.4832,+-79.9085+%28Highland+Park+Practice+Site%29&ll=40.483189,-79.9085&spn=0.030356,0.037293&om=1</a>>this<br>
Sunday June 19th 2 pm - 6 pm<br><br>I'll see you there!<br>Caellin<br>aka Lynette<br>