Greetings once again,<br><br> Many thanks for all of the friendly responses! I had been trying to respond to everyone individually, but I'm afraid I may miss someone, so I figured I would respond to all. I was out of town this last weekend and thus didn't make it to anything, but I should be entirely free this coming weekend. Is the dance practice (at CMU??) tomorrow evening 'open' to anyone, or is it designed more for those who know what they are doing? If the former is true, I may well come by. I would also very much like to make it out for archery/rapier practice this weekend (pending ride availability), but will be needing some loaner arrows. (Mine will hopefully be with me again soon.) Would it also be possible for me to try the rapier combat out? What would I need to bring/prepare?<br>
<br>Thank you again for the welcome(s)! I am very much looking forward to meeting more of you in person!<br><br>YIS,<br><br> Lady Ayla<br>