greet-ING-s!<br><br>For the past 2 years there has been an SCA demo held at the Pittsburgh Zoo in June. The Zoo LOVES us, the SCA people who come participate enjoy them selves, SO we're doing it
<br>The demo is sponsored by the Barony March of the Debatable Lands,
but participation is by no means limited to barony members! This demo is
a group project with participants from all the
surrounding groups in the area. The zoo serves all of of the tri-state
area and anyone is welcome to participate, even if they live further away. Last year we had participants
from 8 different SCA groups! <br>
<br>This is just a preliminary email to notify people that it will be happening again, and to get out some basic information. The demo is coming up fast so expect an update soon.<br><br>The
demo is Saturday the 18th of June, and Sunday the 19th of June. YES,
that is father's day. I don't get to pick the dates, sorry.<br>
<br>The theme is a "Dragon Renaissance Festival at the Zoo" <br><br>Participants will get free admission to the zoo that day. Participants receive 2 free passes to the zoo for future use. <br><br>There will be a link sent out for people to register to participate. YOU
MUST BE REGISTERED TO PARTICIPATE. I will send the link out soon. Meanwhile, feel free to contact me personally.<br><br>We are looking for items for an A&S display as well as people to sit at the display tables and talk to zoo visitors, heavy weapons fighters, fencers, spinners and weavers, dancers, performers, and possibly youth fighters. if you have any additional ideas please feel free to contact me. :)<br>
<br>i'm looking forward to doing this again and hope to see a lot of you there!<br><br>rufina<br><br><a href=""></a><br>