<p> Greetings Good Gentles,</p><p><br></p>There will be no Official BMDL Sunday Practice May 22nd.<p>Come join us at <a href="http://warpractice.steltonwald.org/" target="_blank">War Practice</a> May 19th - 22nd.<br></p><br>
<p>Of Note:</p>
<br><p>Come join us at <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=40.4832,+-79.9085+%28Highland+Park+Practice+Site%29&ll=40.483189,-79.9085&spn=0.030356,0.037293&om=1">Washington Blvd Park</a> Sunday May 29th 2 pm - 6 pm.</p>
<p>Want to get a leg up? Arrive early. Shoot some arrows. Throw some<br>javelins. Suit up. Warm up. And be ready to swing at 2.</p>
<p>BMDL Sunday Heavy Weapons practice is looking for a volunteer Marshal in<br>Charge for May 29th. Interested parties please contact<br>the <a href="mailto:knightmarshal@debatablelands.org" target="_blank">BMDL Knight Marshal Lord Ogami Arashimoto noShirou</a>.<br>
(knightmarshal @ <a href="http://debatablelands.org/" target="_blank">debatablelands.org</a>)</p>
<p><br>If there is seriously inclement weather, the PCC will be available on a case<br>by case basis.</p>
<p><br>Fighter practice will continue at <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=40.4832,+-79.9085+%28Highland+Park+Practice+Site%29&ll=40.483189,-79.9085&spn=0.030356,0.037293&om=1">Washington Blvd Park</a> Sundays 2pm - 6pm.unless other notice is given.<br>
As always, all interested parties are welcome. Youth fighters and fencers<br>must provide their own marshals.<br>
<br>See you at practice - Shiro</p>
Lord Ogami Arashimoto no Shirou<br>Squire to Sir Ogami Akira<br>BMDL Baronial Knight Marshal<br>BMDL Iron Key<br><a href="tel:412%20415%203336" value="+14124153336" target="_blank">412 415 3336</a><br><div></div>
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