<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Thank you to all that came out for the Regional Muster the following individuals fought or supported the fighting on the field.<br><br>Alonzio of the Peacemakers - AE Command<br>Baroness Alex - AE Command<br>Gareth Kincaid - SRA Commander<br>Bors of Rouen - BMDL<br>Morgen of Rye - Yama Kaminari<br>Ard'n Nachthalm - Sable Maul (Newly Authorized weapon and shield)<br>Erlendr - BMDL<br>Roland - Yama Kaminari<br>Sir Graedwyn - BMDL<br>Lothar - Northern Cross<br>Elena - Northen Cross<br>Sir Henri - Northern Cross<br>Shiro - Yama Kaminari<br>Don Anias - Sable Maul<br>Kaedor - Sable Maul (Drove from Huntingdon WV to come to this practice)<br>Cynewyn - BMDL<br>Yamamoto - King's Crossing<br><br>Also: Sarab and Rua for organizing Waterbearing activities.<br><br>Also to the Fencers who helped the Heavy Fighters with marching and movement.<br><br>Ours Goals for this muster
were Communication and Movement as One Army, we spent a good amount of time on how we move and how we hit. We spent time working on how we can better communicate when members of the command structure have been lost and the individual fighter has to step into the command role.<br><br>We accomplished our goals well, and worked hard in the process.<br><br>Vivat to all who attended!!<br><br>In Service,<br>Liam Macantsaoir<br>Clerk - Southern Regional Army<br><div id="RTEContent"><div><div><strong><font color="#4040ff">Shawn MacIntyre</font></strong> <br>EMT/FFII <font color="#60bf00"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"></span></font></div><div><strong><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/AGH_FF_Safety/"></a><tt><br></tt></strong><tt><br></tt></div></div></div></td></tr></table><br>