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As you know from our fantastic new online calendar (<A href="http://www.debatablelands.org/calendar.html">http://www.debatablelands.org/calendar.html</A>), Officers' Meeting is <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1270500073_0 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">this Wednesday, April 7th, at 8pm</SPAN>. Officers' Meeting is the Barony's business meeting, and it is open to the populace. Location info below.<BR>
Here is the agenda:<BR><BR>1. Approve minutes from previous meetings<BR>2. Discuss timing of next meetings<BR>3. Event Bids (if any)<BR>4. Vote on Fencing Marshal<BR>5. Officers Reports<BR>6. Budget <BR>7. Policies. The proposed policy changes are available online <A href="http://www.debatablelands.org">www.debatablelands.org</A>, in the NEWS section. Comments are due to me by noon Wednesday if you are unable to attend Officers' Meeting.<BR>
With affection, <BR>
~Hilda, Seneschale<BR>
The meeting is on CMU's campus in <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1270500073_1 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">Porter Hall</SPAN> A18C. The entrance to use is on Frew Street across <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1270500073_2>Schenley</SPAN> Hill from Phipps Conservatory. The entrance usually locks at <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1270500073_3 style="CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">8pm, so you'll want to arrive a bit early. If you find yourself locked out, you can</SPAN> call my cell phone, and we can send someone to let you in. My phone: <SPAN class=yshortcuts id=lw_1270500073_4 style="BACKGROUND: none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%; CURSOR: hand; BORDER-BOTTOM: #0066cc 1px dashed">412-606-6258</SPAN>. <BR><BR>Here's a map: <A href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Frew+St,+PIttsburgh,+PA&sll=40.447339,-79.96871&sspn=0.037753,0.090723&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Frew+St,+Pittsburgh,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania+15213&ll=40.440905,-79.944313&spn=0.009848,0.022681&z=16&iwloc=A" target=_blank rel=nofollow>http://maps. google.com/ maps?f=q& source=s_ q&hl=en&geocode= &q=Frew+St, +PIttsburgh, +PA&sll=40. 447339,-79. 96871&sspn= 0.037753, 0.090723& ie=UTF8&hq= &hnear=Frew+ St,+Pittsburgh, +Allegheny, +Pennsylvania+ 15213&ll= 40.440905, -79.944313& spn=0.009848, 0.022681& z=16&iwloc= A</A> The marker is somewhat to the right of the entrance, but you can see Baker/Porter Hall clearly marked. There is parking along the street, so you may have to walk a little ways. Go in on the ground floor, and after you pass the stairs, turn right. On the right (across from an elevator) there is a door that you should go through to get to the carpeted part of the hallway. A18C is the furthest one, I think, around a couple of bends.<BR><BR>                                            <br /><hr />Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/campaign/thenewbusy?ocid=PID28326::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HMP:042010_1' target='_new'>Learn more.</a></body>