<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">For the Gentles who came to the BMDL to attend Aethelmearc War College this weekend, I thank you all for making the College a great event!.<br><br>I would first like to thank all the instructors that offered and taught classes throughout the day.<br><br>Thanks to Lady Odrianna and the entire kitchen staff for making a lunch that will not soon be forgotten.<br><br>Thank you to THL Constance Glyn Dwr for serving as Chirurgeon and not needing to treat any significant injuries.<br><br>Thank you To Lord Urho for setting up and running the archery range.<br><br>Thank you Lord Will Parris for getting the Fencing organized for the day.<br><br>Thanks to Aibell for organizing youth activites.<br><br>Thank you to Lady Zoe, and her band of merry youth marshalls for helping the youth fighters learn and grow to defend the Kingdom.<br><br>Thank you to the Youth Fighters who
nearly outnumbered the heavy fighters today.<br><br>Thank you to Lady Helewys and all who helped her at Troll.<br><br>Finally, thank you to their Highnesses for gracing us with their pesence this day.<br><br>I hope everyone returned home Safe, Tired and Happy!<br><br>In Service,<br><br>Lord Liam MacanTsaoir.<br>Autocrat<br><table class="namelist"><tbody><tr><td><br></td>
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