<p>Treasure-laden caravans may snake their way toward distant and exotic lands but here, at the far end of the Silk Road, it is time to celebrate the midwinter festival of the snake. Come, travelers, brush off the dust of the journey, take a cup of tea and show us the finery in your packs! </p>
<p>There will be a Silk Road Costuming Exhibition at the Mi-no-Hi Festival, Feb. 28, 2009, in the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands. </p>
<p>Participants are encouraged to show off garb from Oriental worlds and other cultures that traveled the Silk Road for the pleasure of Their Royal Majesties, Christopher and Morgen, and for the assembled populace. Those whose skill with fabric and needle rises above the rest may be honored with favor from Their Majesties, the admiration of a panel of judges or the adoration of the assembled crowd.</p>
<p>On a 4x6 card or equivalent sheet of paper, participants should please include the following information:</p>
<p>Name:<br>Country of origin/culture:<br>Time period:<br>Materials:<br>Brief description of outfit:<br>Any other pertinent information:</p>
<p>If you have questions, please contact Roxanne de Saint Luc at (716-439-0272) between 10a.m. and 10p.m. More information about the event can be found at <a href="http://yamakaminari.com/minohi/">http://yamakaminari.com/minohi/</a>. </p>