Greetings all, <br><br>Due to some dental adventures whose gory details I'll not share, I have been unable to start on the A&S edition of the Althing. For that matter, I have decided to extend the deadline to <br clear="all">
January 19th. I hope that this will give the chance to some people to think of something during the holidays and the month ahead. <br><br>Also, I'm in dire need of a drop dead deputy. <br><br>I'm planning to attend both Kingdom and Baronial 12th night events in case that someone would like to discuss any of these matters in person. <br>
<br>In service,<br>Margretha<br>-- <br>Nothing stays hidden under the sun.<br>Lady Margretha La Fauvelle<br>mka Margarita T. Rankin<br> \ | /<br>--( )--<br> / | \<br>