<br>Beginning <span id="st" name="st" class="st">tablet</span> <span id="st" name="st" class="st">weaving</span><br>Taught by Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen
<br>Date: Wednesday October 17, 8 pm<br>Location: 542 William Pitt Union
(at the intersection of Bigelow and Fifth<br><br>Learn how to create a simple band using double-face <span id="st" name="st" class="st">tablet</span> <span id="st" name="st" class="st">weaving</span><br>techniques. We will also discuss methods for making more elaborate
<br>patterns, as well as uses within an SCA context. Yarn and tablets<br>will be available for the use, please bring a belt or strap you can
<br>tie around your waist.<br><br>Please join us for class tomorrow! If you are unfamiliar with tablet weaving, this web page (<a href="http://www.weavershand.com/#TWG">http://www.weavershand.com/#TWG</a>) has many galleries of people's amazing tablet woven stuff.
<br><br>cheers-<br>Saskia van Ouwater<br>Minister of Arts and Science<br>BMDL<br>