Greetings from the Barony Webminister,<br><br>The Barony website, <a href=""></a>, is an important source of information for all of us. It regularly gets 40 to 50 unique visitors each day, and has been known to reach over 60.
<br><br>Since it is such a widely used resource, it's very important that the information on the website be correct and up-to-date. Unfortunately, sometimes people forget to let the webminister know when things change, and psychic powers are not among my talents.
<br><br>If you happen to be viewing the website and notice something that is incorrect, please let me know! Don't assume that someone else will report it. Send email to me at <a href=""></a> and let me know what you found. I'll do my best to correct or update the information as soon as possible.<br><br>In addition, if you are a marshal or guild contact, it would be very helpful if you could take a moment now to review the portion of the website that pertains to you or your group and make sure that contact information, room reservations, meeting times, etc, are correct.
<br><br>Thank you all indavance for helping to keep the website correct and up-to-date.<br><br>In Service,<br>Lord Clemente de Warrewyk<br>BMDL Webminister<br>