<div>Greetings! </div> <div> </div> <div>As of last night's Baronial Officers' meeting, I am the new Dark Pages Editor for the Barony. The Dark Pages is our baronial phone and address list, which is provided in printed form and on the baronial website in PDF format. The current version has not been updated since June of 2005, so I am looking for your information!</div> <div> </div> <div>Please check the online copy, located at <A href="http://www.debatablelands.org/download/june05.pdf">http://www.debatablelands.org/download/june05.pdf</A>. If your name, address, email or other information are incorrect or missing, please send your information OFFLINE to my personal email, <A href="mailto:arianna_wyn@yahoo.com">arianna_wyn@yahoo.com</A>. That way we won't inundate the rest of the barony with replies.</div> <div> </div> <div><STRONG>Please note</STRONG>: since the Dark Pages are available online, whatever information you provide
will be <EM>searchable on the Internet</EM>. If you do not want some of your contact information available on the web, please let me know and I will not include it; however, since many people just download their copy of the Dark Pages from the web page, people with legitimate reasons to find you may not be able to if you are not included. If you prefer, I can make sure your email address is not easily searchable by using the format "name (at) domain (dot) com" (e.g. arianna_wyn (at) yahoo (dot) com) instead of an actual address. Just let me know.</div> <div> </div> <div>Also, the new Dark Pages will include titles (Lord, Lady, Master, Duchess, etc.) and small versions of your registered heraldic device, thanks to the online Kingdom Roll of Arms maintained by Lady Alheydis von Körckhingen of Delftwood. If you have a registered heraldic device, please check the roll of arms located at <A href="http://www.aeheralds.net/rolls/index.php"
target=_blank><FONT color=#003399>http://www.aeheralds.net/rolls/index.php</FONT></A>. If your device is missing or incorrect, please contact Lady Alheydis about making corrections. I can't correct what's on that web page, I'm only using the graphics from it in our Dark Pages.</div> <div> </div> <div>If you have any ideas on how to make the Dark Pages better, please let me know!</div> <div> </div> <div>In service to the Debatable Lands,</div> <div> </div> <div>Arianna of Wynthrope</div><BR><BR>Karen Kasper<br><br>"I told myself that acts of folly are the only things that one doesn't regret in life." - Jean-Paul Guyot <br><br>"I believe in the indomitable human spirit and the amazing capacity we have for understanding the world; for love, joy and happiness." - Michael Shermer<p> 
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