[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court Report Equestrian Championship 16 November AS 54

Ben Cogan donnghaile at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 21:43:54 EDT 2022

The Report of the Court of Their Excellencies, Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron
and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands held at Their
Baronial Equestrian Championship on the 16th day of November anno
societatis 54, Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile reporting herald, court
conducted by Master Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.

Their Excellencies opened Court and thanked the organizers and hosts of the
tournament THLady Gesa von Wellenstein and Lord Nohaaj for their
hospitality in hosting the Baronial Equestrian Practices and the Tournament
that day, as well as the lovely viewing pavilion for Their Excellencies.

Their Excellencies then spoke to Lord Nohaaj, Their Baronial Equestrian
Champion and thanked him for his service to the Barony and working to
prepare the Tournament that day.  They then called forth THLady Gesa von
Wellenstein and presented her as Their new Equestrian Champion for the
Barony and presented her a scroll to commemorate the occasion made by her
own hand.

THLady Gesa von Wellenstein was bid to stay a moment longer in Their
Excellencies’ Court and was presented with a Silver Comet for her skills as
a scribe, banner maker, and regalia maker.  Scroll by Lady Rose O’Tierrany
upon a text by Brehyres Gwendolyn the Graceful.

Their Excellencies then called for Lady Beatrix of Anglesey and awarded her
a Gold Comet for her service as equestrian grounds crew, and as Debatable
Bard.  Scroll by Lady Rose O’Tierrany upon a text by Brehyres Gwendolyn the

Their Excellencies thanked all of the scribes for Their Court and all of
the populace for attending the tournament to cheer on those who would vie
for Champion.

Court Closed.
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