[SCA-BMDL] BMDL Youth Fighter Practice this weekend

Karen Kasper arianna_wyn at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 12 08:38:17 EST 2012

Greetings to all Youth Fighters and their parents!

Baronial 12th Night is this Saturday. While there is no Youth Combat at the event, there IS a "Fun Fighting" boffer competition starting at noon, as well as the usual pot luck sideboard, Lord/Lady of Misrule, cookie competition, silent auction, and bardic competition. AND, our beloved Seneschale, Hilda, and our equally beloved former Baron, Byron, will both become peers at royal court. It promises to be a great event, so I hope we'll see many of you there! 

BMDL youth fighting practice continues this Sunday (tomorrow) from 2-5pm at the Pittsburgh Chinese Church in the North Hills at 8711 Old Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 1523. 

Parking:  Park in the down-slope lot off of Highland Rd, walk around the side of the building, enter the first door, and walk up the stairs to the room on the 3rd floor.  Helpful picture at: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=40.56502,-80.041616&num=1&t=h&sll=40.565013,-80.041468&sspn=0.00107,0.002411&ie=UTF8&ll=40.564981,-80.041355&spn=0.00107,0.002411&z=19    (entrance at the green arrow) 

We'll have loaner gear for any new fighters who need it.

Remember to bring a water bottle - the fountain on the floor where we practice is not working.

The BMDL Youth Combat practice schedule for the next month is as follows:

Jan. 15 - Practice at the Chinese Church

Jan. 22 - Practice at the Chinese Church
Jan 28 - Practice at the Chinese Church
Feb. 5 - Practice at Marshall Middle School in conjunction with the Regional Muster! More info as the date gets closer

I hope to see you all this Sunday!

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