Associated thumbnails image vs Slide image

Angelos Pappas angelos at
Wed Feb 3 03:23:48 EST 2016

Hi David,

like I said, every vendor does it's own and you have to study each 
format separately in order to figure out such mappings. I seriously 
doubt there is a catch all solution for what you are looking after.

Pappas Angelos
(+30) 6945 927829
smartcode <>

On 3/2/2016 10:19, David De Mena García via openslide-users wrote:
> Thanks Angelos and David:
> As you mention, Angelos, OpenSlide has not tiles but I use deepzoom 
> utility to compose the pyramid image.
> Off course I can use smaller layer (and probably i will do it)  but 
> all proprietary viewer  (Ventana, Aperio and 3DH) use the thumbnails 
> to indicate the area where it showed so I suppose that in the 
> proprietary format necessary it has to be the correspondence between 
> the thumbnails and base image.
> Any idea where it supposes to be?
> Best
> El 03/02/16 a las 02:30:09, David Gutman via openslide-users escribió:
>> Yeah I have had the same experience.  I think it's easier to just 
>> grab the thumbnail/smallest layer, but for example if you are 
>> embedded it in a webpage, you can just specify style="width:300px" or 
>> something similar and constrain the width of the actual thumbnail
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 3:27 PM Angelos Pappas via openslide-users 
>> <openslide-users at 
>> <mailto:openslide-users at>> wrote:
>>     Hi David,
>>     To my experience it will be very hard if not impossible to have a
>>     universal solution for this. Many slide formats contain a
>>     thumbnail that is not just a scaled down version of the original
>>     image, but also a trimmed one. Furthermore, OpenSlide does not
>>     expose the concept of tiles anyway, so your best bet would be to
>>     read the lowest resolution level and scale it down further to fit
>>     your needs.
>>     Regards
>>     Angelos Pappas
>>     *From: *David De Mena García via openslide-users
>>     <mailto:openslide-users at>
>>     *Sent: *Τρίτη, 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2016 6:09 μμ
>>     *To: *openslide-users at
>>     <mailto:openslide-users at>
>>     *Subject: *Associated thumbnails image vs Slide image
>>     Hi:
>>     I'm looking to find a correspondence between the associated image
>>     thumbnails and the Slide image to compose "navigator image", so
>>     some pixel of the thumbnails will link to some tiles of the slide
>>     base image. But I need some correspondence between both image: is
>>     it possible to know the starting and end point of the slide
>>     inside the thumbnails or the real size of the thumbnails or
>>     even the mpp of the thumbnails image of any vendors?
>>     Best
>>     David de Mena García
>>     Anatomía Patológica
>>     H.U. de Jerez
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> -- 
> David de Mena García
> Anatomía Patológica
> H.U. de Jerez
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