NDPI format and NDPITools

toto sugito toto_sugito_plg at yahoo.co.id
Mon Oct 1 16:31:12 EDT 2012

Please let me introduce about myself.
My name is Toto. I have worked with Yves Sucaet to convert/read NDPI format data in OpenSlide. 
I am still converting the code, and maybe have a questions when converting about OpenSlide code or Hamamatsu data type.
Thank you for some of email about support and information about this OpenSource.

Best regards,


 From: Alvaro Gonzalez <agonzalez at kanteron.com>
To: openslide-users at lists.andrew.cmu.edu 
Sent: Tuesday, 2 October 2012, 0:32
Subject: Re: NDPI format and NDPITools


Thanks for your answer. We have certain relations with Hamamatsu
      Spain, and in fact, we had the SDK with the dlls and all the NDAs
      relative to it, but we don't develop actually any native software
      for Windows, so our developers where helpless with that. Our
      server side is, mainly, Linux.

Supporting quite a bunch of scanners, by now, we're settled on a
      vips/openslide + ndpitools combo and focused strongly on the PACS
      stack waiting for something magical to happen on the ndpi support
      :P .

I'll contact you anyway and let this question open here for
      anybody to admire ;)

El 01/10/12 19:23, David Gutman escribió:

We have an ndpi reader and writer we wrote... email me off the listserv and I can describe it.. it used the ndpi Dll so we can't simply just release it
>On Oct 1, 2012 1:16 PM, "Alvaro Gonzalez" <agonzalez at kanteron.com> wrote:
>Hi there,
>>I've been invistigating around the mailing list for support on
          the NDPI
>>format the Hamamatsu Nanozoomer throws. I've seen some work
          around it
>>and, AFAIK, there's no support on Openslide, and, I think, no
>>currently going on (please correct me if I'm wrong).
>>We are using for that means NDPITools [1] , that's opensource
>>I don't see any link providing source on their webpage), works
>>fine and it does even extract Z Levels.
>>Problem is it does only one thing: extracting images. AFAIK,
          no metadata
>>is provided so it's of little help for our PACS importing
          software, and
>>we don't get the scanning power or MPPs por creating ROIs
>>Have any of you some contact with this proyect or their source
          so it
>>could merge with Openslide, and/or any way of extracting
          metadata from
>>NDPI files?
>>1.- http://www.imnc.in2p3.fr/pagesperso/deroulers/software/ndpitools/
>>openslide-users mailing list
>>openslide-users at lists.andrew.cmu.edu

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