[open-edge] Any adds or deletes to open-edge mailing list?

Mahadev Satyanarayanan satya at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Jul 3 08:58:00 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,
   I'm doing a sanity check on the membership of this mailing list.
I'd like to be sure that we don't forget to include any relevant people.
Also, I don't want to spam anyone who doesn't wish to receive these emails.

So please do two things
  1. Check current membership below and let me know if 
       I am missing anyone (esp. from your organization).

  2. Let me know if you would like to be removed.

I just resent two key emails, because I had forgotten to include
Babu Pillai of Intel.  He will be coming back from sabbatical in
a few weeks, and will be a key member of our partnership.

             -- Satya

Current membership (July3, 2015)

Adrian Neal <Adrian.Neal at vodafone.com>
Guenter Klas <Guenter.Klas at vodafone.com>
Rolf Schuster <Rolf.Schuster at vodafone.com>
Kevin Smith <Kevin.Smith at vodafone.com>

Caikui <caikui at huawei.com>
Chenyuqiao <chenyuqiao at huawei.com>
Patrice Hede <patrice.hede at huawei.com>
Yunchao Hu <yunchao.hu at huawei.com>
Prakash Ramachandran <Prakash.Ramchandran at huawei.com>

Joe Cahill <joe.g.cahill at intel.com>
Caroline Chan <caroline.chan at intel.com>
Phil Gibbons <philip.b.gibbons at intel.com>
Michael Kozuch <michael.a.kozuch at intel.com>
Babu Pillai <padmanabhan.s.pillai at intel.com>
Jordan Rodgers <jordan.rodgers at intel.com>
Valerie Young <valerie.j.young at intel.com>

# Carnegie Mellon University
*Yoshihisa Abe <yoshiabe at cs.cmu.edu>
*Brandon Amos <bamos at cmu.edu>
*Zhuo Chen <zhuoc at cs.cmu.edu>
*Khalid Elgazzar <elgazzar at cs.cmu.edu>
*Benjamin Gilbert <bgilbert at cs.cmu.edu>
*Kiryong Ha <krha at cmu.edu>
*Jan Harkes <jaharkes at cs.cmu.edu>
*Wenlu Hu <wenlu at cmu.edu>
*Mahadev Satyanarayanan <satya at cs.cmu.edu>

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