[open-edge] A technical milestone reached

Mahadev Satyanarayanan satya at cs.cmu.edu
Thu Jul 2 13:07:20 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,
    Thanks to very hard work and dedicated effort from Kiryong,
in partnership with Prakash, we have reached an important milestone.  
This is the integration of CMU's OpenStack++ extensions into Kilo 
(the latest version of OpenStack). This has been designated
version 0.1.0.  The source code, README, etc. can be found in GitHub:

Github page: https://github.com/cmusatyalab/elijah-openstack
Release for Kilo integration:

We have done as much stress testing of this release as possible at CMU.  
For single node systems, we are not aware of any outstanding bugs
at this time.   If any bugs are discovered as we move forward, they
will be applied to this release.   Also, we have asked for Huawei's help
in stress testing this release at larger scale, including multi-node 
systems.  Intel stress testing would also be helpful.  In general,
the more we beat on this system and thus expose and fix bugs, the 
more stable and valuable it will be over the next 12 to 15 months.

From this point, we will proceed on two fronts.  First, CMU will
maintain this release as a stable OpenStack++ platform for the
next 12-15 months.  This will be the basis of our developer
outreach, class projects, etc. over the next 12-15 months. 

Second, we will use this release as the basis of a new StackForge 
project for OpenStack.  Prakash and the Huawei team (with Intel too) 
will be important in helping us through this process.  Over the next
12-15 months, there will likely be a lot of development activity
on this front.  So it won't be a stable platform for external
developers.  However the integration into OpenStack requires this
process, so there is no way around it. 

Kudos to Kiryong for such rapid progress.  Our goal was to get
to this point "sometime in July", but Kiryong has been able
to complete it before July 1.  

It may be useful to see how this fits into the post-workshop
summary and deliverables that Rolf sent out after our June 9-10 workshop.
Attached is that document again.  I have extracted from it
the following subset text and put some numbering to make it clearer.

------ Subset of Technical Goals from Rolf's Post-workshop Summary ------

[A] After code review the OpenStack++ from CMU solution is a solid starting point 
    to initiate and drive the Open Edge Solution in the open source community. 
    We target to get accepted as an OpenStack project in October 2015 and 
    release the first official version in May 2016.

(A-1) Kiryong, Prakash, until 25 June) estimate the resources

(A-2) (Valerie + Sean, Prakash) organise further support (if required) 
     from Intel / Huawei for Kiryong to review Openstack integration of his code and blueprint writing

[B] We need a detailed plan for the Technical Program including deliverables 
    resources and timing

(B-1) (Kyriong, 23 June 2015) Provide a draft that indicated what cannot be covered
     by CMU. The plan will also consider the development of blueprints and
     the correct time-line

[C] We will start the open development program on Stackforge (in July 2015?) 
    and test & drive the acceptance and support by open source developers. 
    The agreed name for the project is "Cloudlet"

(C-1) (Kiryong / Satya, July 2015) once OpenStack++ is compliant with kilo then put it 
      on Stackforge and drive open development

(C-2) (Prakash, Valerie + Sean, August 2015) introduce concept and development 
      to open source  sub groups

----------  End Technical Goals ----------

Relative to this list of technical goals, we are finished with A-1
and most of B-1. The blueprints and timeline of B-1 are in discussion
with Prakash.   C-1 is complete and ready to be put into StackForge.
Relative to A-2, we have identified the resources needed (2 developers
plus one tester).

Before our July 16 phone/Webex meeting, I propose that we
complete all outstanding items above, except C-2.   FOr C-2, it would
help to have  a plan for discussion on July 16.

              -- Satya
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