[oe-sync] Google Global Cache services vs Edge Computing

rolf.schuster at openedgecomputing.org rolf.schuster at openedgecomputing.org
Thu Mar 10 06:15:02 EST 2016


Dear all, 

I looked a bit further into the Google Edge Computing activities, called
Google Global Cache (GGC). 



In short Google has a global peering concept with telecom operators and
ISPs. Under that model Google provides (edge) server HW and SW to the
telecom operator / ISP who will host the edge ervers at his network edge
locations. Actually, as far as I undrestand all the major telecoms provider
participate in that program already.


As far as I understand there are significant and measurable improvements in
customer experiences for Google Services like web browsing, YouTube,
messaging and voice services (!).  Furthermore, there are the typical other
benetifs of edge deployments like reduction in backhaul traffic, resilience


We currently, look further into the business model, however, as far as I
understand Google does not pay for the using the edge infrastructure.
Furthermore, once Google has control of these edge servers, they can do
whatever they want including offering for example voice services. 


>From my perspective that success global engagement between Google and the
telco providers (again) prooves the value the edge infrastructure.
Unfortunately, the telco operators do not really benefit from the set-up
with Googe as a new business opportunity that generates new revenue streams.
I guess the situation confirms the targets of the Open Edge Computing
Initiative to provide a distributed edge infrastructure service that is open
to everyone and offers ways to moneytise the usage appropriately. 


Any thoughts?


Kind regards




Overview Google GGC infrastructure


Google offer to improve messaging and voice features (!)




Research results with T-Mobile US


"This research was presented jointly by Google and T-Mobile at the Velocity
conference in Santa Clara, CA, in July 2014." 

==> Has anybody looked at that aready?






Dr. Rolf Schuster


Open Edge Computing Intiative

Email:    Rolf.Schuster at OpenEdgeComputing.org

Fone:    +49 172 2360098

Web:     OpenEdgeComputing.org



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