[oe-sync] New PoC description

Mahadev Satyanarayanan satya at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Oct 12 13:27:23 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,
 Because of my travel to MEC, Vodafone Newbury, SOSP, etc.  over the past
few weeks, I have not been participating in the discussion of the draft 
PoC that Valerie had sent out.    Late last week, I finally had a chance
to read the draft PoC and some of the comments in the discussion
threads.   Here are my thoughts:

1. Using augmented reality (AR) as the basic application to show off 
the value of low latency and cloudlets is an excellent idea.  Kudos to Valerie
for proposing this.      

2. The specific AR approach being proposed seems to require significant 
site customization (e.g. adding CMU-specific content, etc.).   This means
that it is not easily portable to another site.  You will need site-specific
content for the demo to be meaningful at the new site.

3. The timeline seems too aggressive.   Virtually all the implementation
work will be done by the CMU team, and I know in depth how is already
on everyone's plate.   Generating custom content takes time, even if it
is already available and only has to be repackaged.

Using Valerie's PoC as a starting point, I have created a description of a
new PoC.   In some ways this more aggressive (functionally) than the
original PoC.    At the same time, it is less agressive timewise and content-wise.

Please review and share your comments.   One clarification:  I am proposing
this as  a PoC for the Open Edge Computing initiative.    Whether this is also
a PoC for MEC is something that Vodafone, Huawei and Intel should decide.
I don't know if this timeline is acceptable for the MEC PoC.  Also,
I recall that a decision about MEC PoCs has to be made very soon.  Not sure
if this is already too late for consideration.   If it is attractive as a MEC PoC
also, then I will delighted that we can get a two-fer.

                     -- Satya
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