netreg-devel: Hello...

Frank Sweetser fs at WPI.EDU
Thu Jan 12 20:47:59 EST 2012

On 1/12/2012 7:14 PM, apg at wrote:
> Hello,
> Is this list still active? I understand that there is a roadmap, and the code
> base has been moved to github:

It's been some time since I saw any activity here.  The users list is a little 
more active, but it appears that support for netreg at CMU has atrophied.


This is really nothing official so far.  All that I did - with no affiliation 
with CMU at all - was take a copy of the last release of netreg source code, 
and dump it into github.  My hope is that enough other users will be able to 
contribute enough work to jumpstart netreg development, keeping it a viable 
long term solution by adding more features and bugfixes.

Frank Sweetser fs at    |  For every problem, there is a solution that
Manager of Network Operations   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |           - HL Mencken

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