[269] Midterm grades

Gautam Iyer gi1242+269 at cmu.edu
Thu Mar 28 23:33:37 EDT 2019

Hi All,

Your midterm has been graded and will be returned to you in class
tomorrow. You can check your score online now (click the 'Your Grades'
link on the website).

In terms of letter grades, it is on the same scale as your first
midterm. Explicitly:

    1. The bottom end of an "A" roughly corresponds to a score of late
       20's out of 40. This usually indicates you were able to solve 3
       out of the four questions (modulo minor-ish errors).

    2. The bottom end of a "B" roughly corresponds to a score in the
       late teens, out of 40. This usually indicates you were able to
       solve 2 out of the four questions (modulo minor-ish errors).

    3. The bottom end of a "C" roughly corresponds to a score in the
       early teens (typically meaning you solved one question, and got
       some partial credit from others.)



The energizer bunny went to jail. He was charged with battery.

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