Hi,<br><br>I'm using cyrus for years now, and have to say that it is a great piece of software, best fitting to my needs.<br><br>Actually I use 2.2 (imap,pop3 amongst others) with Debian stable/testing.<br><br>Two days ago I had to recognize that my mail client (thunderbird) only showed a handful of mails in my inbox when there should be thousands, reaching approx. 10 years back.<br>
<br>Strange enough, my snapshot backup (faubackup) showed only a few more, going days, weeks and month back.<br><br>I assumed there might be a problem with the disk and tested it thouroughly, but neither chkdsk nor SMART or other utilities would show errors or problems.<br>
<br>I checked mail logs and aptitude.log as well, but there was nothing of interest to me, neither updates nor lots of deleted mails, only some expunged ones, but not too much.<br><br>At this very moment I'm recovering files using testdisk - at least something.<br>
<br>Could one of you tell me whether it's ok to just copy recovered files back to /var/spool/cyrus/mail/f/user/f-user/ ? Or am I supposed to recover with cyrus admin tools like:<br><pre class="notranslate">sudo -u cyrus /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -C /etc/imapd.conf -rf user.BENUTZERNAME<br>
</pre>The file cyrus.header only contains:<br><br>Cyrus mailbox header<br>"The best thing about this system was that it had lots of goals."<br> --Jim Morris on Andrew<br> 478a94914314724f<br>NonJunk Junk $Forwarded $MDNSent $Label1 $Label2 $Label3 $Label4 $Label5 $has_cal <br>
frisco lrswipcda<br><br>Any hints to recover my mails are VERY ;) appreciated, as well as suggestions what might be the cause of the problem.<br><br>Regards<br>Andre<br><br>-- <br>rheinSinn - A. Bischof<br>Gottesweg 46, 50969 Köln<br>
Tel. 0221 / 46 75 59 87 - Mob. 0179 / 510 45 92<br><a href="mailto:andre.bischof@rheinsinn.de" target="_blank">andre.bischof@rheinsinn.de</a> - <a href="http://www.rheinsinn.de" target="_blank">www.rheinsinn.de</a> <br>