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Hi all,<BR>
I have Cyrus setup on two servers the same way (as far as I know) and they both run off a MySQL database.<BR>
On one the realm is the server's FQDN and on the other it's the alias. <BR>
To given an example let's say my /etc/hosts file has an entry like this:<BR>
<BR> boson.example.com boson<BR>
On one of the servers the select statement to the database goes like this (looking at the logs with debug level 7):<BR>
SELECT AES_DECRYPT(`password`, '...........') AS password <BR>
FROM `accounts` <BR>
WHERE `user`='.....' AND `realm`='boson' AND `virtual` != 0;<BR>
and the other like this:<BR>
SELECT AES_DECRYPT(`password`, '...........') AS password <BR>
FROM `accounts` <BR>
WHERE `user`='.....' AND `realm`='boson.example.com' AND `virtual` != 0;<BR>
The host file is the only place I can find where the short version of the domain exists yet when I remove it (and restart network, cyrus & sasl) the new setup still uses just "boson" instead of the FQDN like the first one I setup.<BR>
I guess it really doesn't matter which way it works since I can always change the entries in the database to match but I would like to know enough to where I can predict what will happen if not actually control it (which would be the ideal of course).<BR>