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Hello,<br><br>Thanks, but yesterday after post I was doing test with sync_client -m "MAILBOX" but nothing happen either!<br><br>I capture the traffic between machines and there are connections to csync port and this is what I get in REPLICATION machine if I run "sync_client -m SHAREDFOLDER":<br><br><font style="font-size: 8pt;" size="1"><i> * SASL PLAIN<br>* COMPRESS DEFLATE<br>* OK cyrus2-test.test.com Cyrus sync server v2.4.13-Invoca-RPM-2.4.13-1.el6<br><br> AUTHENTICATE PLAIN AGN5cnVzAGN5cnVzMDE=<br><br> OK Success (no protection)<br><br> GET MAILBOXES (</i></font>SHAREDFOLDER<font style="font-size: 8pt;" size="1"><i>)<br><br> OK success<br><br> EXIT<br><br> OK Finished</i></font><br><br>Also I try to run "sync_client -m SHAREDFOLDER.Sistemas.Oracle", or "sync_client -m Sistemas.Oracle" but I get the same result, nothing is sync!<br><br>In maillog nothing importar is logged neither:<br><i><br>Mar 16 08:30:22 cyrus2-test syncserver[2590]: executed<br>Mar 16 08:30:22 cyrus2-test syncserver[2590]: accepted connection<br>Mar 16 08:30:22 cyrus2-test syncserver[2590]: cmdloop(): startup<br>Mar 16 08:30:22 cyrus2-test syncserver[2590]: login: cyrus1-test.test.com [] cyrus PLAIN User logged in</i><br><br>Thanks & Regards<br><br>Manel Gimeno Zaragoza<br>magiza83@hotmail.com<br><br><br><div><div id="SkyDrivePlaceholder"></div>> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 09:04:25 +0200<br>> From: janne.peltonen@helsinki.fi<br>> To: magiza83@hotmail.com<br>> CC: info-cyrus@lists.andrew.cmu.edu<br>> Subject: Re: Problem restoring shared folders in replica server<br>> <br>> Hi!<br>> <br>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 06:28:32PM +0100, Manel Gimeno Zaragozá wrote:<br>> [...]<br>> > replica with sync_client -u "user" and everything was OK except shared folders,<br>> > I can not sync shared folders information.<br>> [...]<br>> > but nothing happen when I try<br>> > sync_client -u SHAREDFOLDER<br>> > or<br>> > sync_client -u Sistemas<br>> > <br>> > I've try it with root and cyrus user but I don't know how I can force the sync<br>> > for shared folders. Can anyone help me?<br>> <br>> Yes. You should use the -m flag to force syncing of a mailbox. From sync_client<br>> manual:<br>> <br>> --clip--<br>> -u User mode. Remaining arguments are list of users who should be replicated.<br>> -m Mailbox mode. Remaining arguments are list of mailboxes which should be replicated.<br>> --clip--<br>> <br>> A shared folder is not a user. It is a mailbox.<br>> <br>> As a side note, if you have sieve script in the global namespace (that are<br>> attached by the "/vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/sieve" annotation to certain shared<br>> folders or other folders), the only way to replicate those that I know of is to<br>> rsync them (or otherwise copy in the file system level).<br>> <br>> <br>> Yours,<br>> -- <br>> Janne Peltonen <janne.peltonen@helsinki.fi> PGP Key ID: 0x9CFAC88B<br></div>                                            </div></body>