.hmmessage P
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Hello,<br><br>I've installed "cyrus-imapd-2.4.13-1.el6.x86_64" and i'm trying to migrate a mailbox from a remote cyrus server to a new one. The steps I follow are:<br><br>remote_cyrus# ctl_mboxlist -d > file<br>local_cyrus# clt_mboxlist -u < file<br>local_cyrus# reconstruct -rxf user.test_user<br> user.test_user: failed to read index header<br> user.test_user: Invalid mailbox name (null)<br> user.test_user.Borrador: failed to read index header<br> user.test_user.Borrador: Invalid mailbox name (null)<br> user.test_user.Elementos eliminados: failed to read index header<br> user.test_user.Elementos eliminados: Invalid mailbox name (null)<br> user.test_user.Elementos enviados: failed to read index header<br> user.test_user.Elementos enviados: Invalid mailbox name (null)<br> user.test_user.SPAM: failed to read index header<br> user.test_user.SPAM: Invalid mailbox name (null)<br><br><br>Also the log file shows:<br>local_cyrus# cat /var/log/maillog<br> ...<br> ...<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: create new mailbox user.test_user<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: failed to read index header for user.test_user<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: Mailbox name too long (user.test_user)<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: reconstructing user.test_user.Borrador<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: opening index user.test_user.Borrador: Invalid mailbox name<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: create new mailbox user.test_user.Borrador<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: failed to read index header for user.test_user.Borrador<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: Mailbox name too long (user.test_user.Borrador)<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: reconstructing user.test_user.Elementos eliminados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: opening index user.test_user.Elementos eliminados: Invalid mailbox name<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: create new mailbox user.test_user.Elementos eliminados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: failed to read index header for user.test_user.Elementos eliminados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: Mailbox name too long (user.test_user.Elementos eliminados)<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: reconstructing user.test_user.Elementos enviados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: opening index user.test_user.Elementos enviados: Invalid mailbox name<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: create new mailbox user.test_user.Elementos enviados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: failed to read index header for user.test_user.Elementos enviados<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: Mailbox name too long (user.test_user.Elementos enviados)<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: reconstructing user.test_user.SPAM<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: opening index user.test_user.SPAM: Invalid mailbox name<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: create new mailbox user.test_user.SPAM<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: failed to read index header for user.test_user.SPAM<br> Feb 10 13:48:30 cyrus1-test reconstruct[21520]: IOERROR: Mailbox name too long (user.test_user.SPAM)<br> ...<br> ...<br><br>It looks like I'm not able to reconstruct the mailbox due to "name too long". <br><br>Is it possible to avoid this problem without modify the mbox name? as I have more that 10.000 account and all of them have the same type of folders with spaces and "long names", even some of them have longer name folders.<br><br>Anyway, I think in some cases the name is not too long (f.e. user.test_user) but I get the same error, I'm guessing that maybe the problem is not there, but I'm not able to find it.<br><br>I post also my config files:<br>=========================imapd.conf=========================<br> admins: cyrus<br> allowplaintext: yes<br> allowapop: no<br> configdirectory: /var/lib/imap<br> partition-default: /var/spool/imap<br> imapidresponse: no<br> sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd<br> sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN<br> sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve<br> altnamespace: yes<br> hashimapspool: true<br> unixhierarchysep: no<br> lmtp_downcase_rcpt: no<br> allowanonymouslogin: no<br> popminpoll: 1<br> autocreatequota: 0<br> umask: 027<br> sieveusehomedir: false<br> sasl_ldap_servers: ldap://******.com:1389/<br> sasl_ldap_basedn: ou=*******,dc=org<br> tls_ca_path: /etc/ssl/certs<br> tls_session_timeout: 1440<br> tls_cipher_list: TLSv1:SSLv3:SSLv2:!NULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!LOW:@STRENGTH<br> lmtpsocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/lmtp<br> idlesocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/idle<br> notifysocket: /var/run/cyrus/socket/notify<br> delete_mode: immediate<br> expunge_mode: immediate<br><br> #Replica config<br> sync_host: 192.168.**.**<br> sync_authname: ******<br> sync_password: ******<br><br> #Configuracion para el rolling<br> sync_log: 1<br> sync_repeat_interval: 1<br> sync_machineid: 1<br>============================================================<br><br>=========================cyrus.conf=========================<br> START {<br> # do not delete this entry!<br> recover cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"<br> # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE<br> idled cmd="idled"<br> #Si queremos que sea MASTER tenemos que arrancar el sync_client<br> syncclient cmd="/usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/sync_client -r"<br> }<br> SERVICES {<br> # add or remove based on preferences<br> imap cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=5<br> #imaps cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=1<br> pop3 cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=3<br> #pop3s cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=1<br> sieve cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0<br><br> lmtpunix cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=1<br><br> }<br> EVENTS {<br> # this is required<br> checkpoint cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30<br> # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,<br> # Sieve or NNTP<br> delprune cmd="cyr_expire -D 7 -E 3 -X 7" at=0400<br> # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions<br> tlsprune cmd="tls_prune" at=0400<br> }<br>============================================================<br><br>Thanks & Regards.                                            </div></body>