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Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to implement a master-replica cyrus environment and I'm getting some issue that I'm not able to resolve. The scenario is the following:<br><br>Everything is working fine between Master & Replica until Replica goes down (maintenance or whatever). Once is down, in master there are still connections and modification. If I bring up Replica the changes made during the "blackout" are no fully transmitted to it. Some of the are transmitted, but not all.<br><br>Which is the best way to resincronize the missing parts to Replica? <br>I was wordering to rsync imap folders (/var/spool/imap & /var/lib/imap), and It works fine in my test environment, but in produccion it could be GB to sincronize and I think this is not optimum.<br>Other option was "sync_client -l -u <all_user>" but I'm guessing that in production I will have the same problem due to the amount of data to sincronize.<br><br>On the other hand, I have also doubts about how "sync_client -r" and "sync_server" are initiated. In my test machines I should run manually them each time I start cyrus-imapd, I though that it could be automatic one I start the service cyrus-imapd, but it is not.<br><br>Thanks & Regards.<br><br>Manel Gimeno Zaragoza<br>magiza83@hotmail.com<br>                                            </div></body>