# cyrus.conf # # configuration file for perl scripts for Intersweep filter # # Copyright (c) Nic Bernstein, May 26, 2004, for # Onlight, llc., 2266 N. Prospect Ave., Suite 610, Milwaukee, WI 53202 # All rights reserved # The LDAP server to bind to $ldap_host = 'localhost'; # The LDAP port number $ldap_port = '389'; # The base DN for the search $base_dn = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'; # The DN to bind as to complete the search $bind_dn = 'uid=proxyuser,ou=systems,dc=example,dc=com'; # The password to bind to LDAP with for the search $bind_pw = 'secret'; # Filter to get usernames $ldap_user_filter = '(objectClass=inetMailUser)'; # Attribute to return for username search $ldap_user_attr = 'uid'; # Attribute to return for quota search $ldap_quota_attr = 'mailQuota'; # Attribute to return for mail search $ldap_mail_attr = "mailRoutingAddress"; # The IMAP server to login to $imap_host = 'localhost'; # The IMAP user to login as $imap_user = 'cyrus'; # The IMAP port number $imap_port = '143'; # The IMAP delimiter character $delimiter = "."; # The password for the IMAP user $imap_pw = 'secret'; # Prefix for IMAP user mailboxes $imap_prefix = 'user'; # Change this to the proper setting for your site # @time = (localtime)[0..5]; # for local time zone usage @time = (gmtime)[0..5]; # for GMT usage # Whitelist mailbox name and attribute %white = ( 'mailbox' => 'Whitelist', 'attribute' => 'amavisWhitelistSender' ); # Blacklist mailbox name and attribute %black = ( 'mailbox' => 'Blacklist', 'attribute' => 'amavisBlacklistSender' ); # Mail domain for re-sending $mail_domain = 'example.com'; # User spam mailbox $spambox = 'Junk'; # Shared mailbox for missed spam $missed_uce = 'Missed-Junk'; # Shared mailbox for non-spam $not_uce = 'Non-Junk';