Hello,<br><br>Sometimes, I have some bad quotas. Here is a trace:<br><br>[cyrus@imap-perso ~]$ cyradm -user cyrus localhost<br>Password:<br>localhost.localdomain> lq user/xx<br> STORAGE 197/1000000 (0.0197%)<br><br>[root@imap-perso ~]# du -hs /var/spool/imap2/m/user/xx<br>
890M /var/spool/imap2/m/user/xx<br><br>reconstruct -rf user/xx<br><br>[cyrus@imap-perso ~]$ quota -f user/xx<br>user.xx: usage was 201755, now 820057155<br> Quota % Used Used Root<br> 1000000 80 800837 user/xx<br>
<br>(note that: its better but 800M and 890 makes a difference. That user has lots of folders and subfloders)<br>my version:<br>cyrus-imapd-2.3.14<br><br clear="all">It happens quite a lot. Too much for me.<br>I used some years ago to force a quota -f on each users. It worked on a 2.2.12 version, but when we migrate to a 2.3.x version, suddenly, the quotas were broken with over 1000%.<br>
<br>We went back to 2.2.12 and got rid of quota -f (too dangerous)<br><br>But now, that problem is coming back again and I still don't understand why. Fixing a quota should be easy to do.<br>quota -f is very fast. Too fast I think..<br>
Can I generalize a reconstruct -rf followed by a quota -f without fears?<br><br>Do you experience such problems?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Dom <br><br>-- <br>Dominique LALOT<br>Ingénieur Systèmes et Réseaux<br><a href="http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot">http://annuaire.univmed.fr/showuser.php?uid=lalot</a><br>