Had a disk crash today (thunderstorm related).<br><br>In so doing, I
neglected to copy over /var/imap which has the *.db files. I can
start up Cyrus Imapd fine, but the logs complain about checkpointing...not being able
to do database operations, DB_NOTFOUND and "archive /var/imap/db: cyrusdb error", etc.<br><br>I can connect to the IMAPD server, but it hangs and times out.<br><br>I ran mkimap, which created the structure, but still get the errors upon starting IMAPD.
<br><br>I did copy over /var/spool/imap and it seems alright.<br><br>What can I do to fix this?<br><br>(please reply to me here)<br><br><br>Thanks.<br>