files on disk but not in index?

Brian J. Murrell brian at
Wed May 6 13:10:05 EDT 2020

On Wed, 2020-05-06 at 09:11 -0400, Ken Murchison wrote:
> You may have a bunch of messages that were marked as \Deleted (and
> not 
> displayed by your client) but haven't been expunged.

I have my every-day-all-day e-mail client, evolution, set to display
deleted messages (it shows them with a strike-through) and not expunge
until I tell it to with a key-combination, so I expunge many times a
day already.

> How many of the messages shown by mbexamine have the \Deleted flag
> set?

Does this mean 0?

 Index Header Info:
  Generation Number: -79183387
  Minor Version: 12
  Header Size: 128 bytes  Record Size: 96 bytes
  Number of Messages: 3963  Mailbox Size: 114722914 bytes
  Last Append Date: (1588775886) Wed May  6 10:38:06 2020
  UIDValidity: 957666537  Last UID: 1611876
  Deleted: 0  Answered: 1634  Flagged: 54
  Mailbox Options: POP3_NEW_UIDL
  Last POP3 Login: (0) Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
  Highest Mod Sequence: 1077383

Or is the "Deteled: 0" there something different than \Deleted?

In any case:

# /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/mbexamine user.brian | grep \\\\Deleted

reports nothing.


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