POP3 Connections persist after a long time

Dan White dwhite at olp.net
Mon Jan 16 13:05:23 EST 2012

On 01/16/12 14:43 -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:
>I've found a lot of connections POP3 that are established since some weeks
>ago. Is there something wrong with it?
>I understand that is common for IMAP, but I wonder if there is something
>wrong having the same on pop3.
>Thanks in advance!

Are you seeing long term processes, or long term connections?

How long processes stick around would be influenced by your
configured 'poptimeout' in /etc/imapd.conf, and what, if any, '-U' count
you have configured for your pop3 processes within /etc/cyrus.conf (see the
imapd.conf, and pop3d manpages).

It would be usual to see long term pop3 connections. If that's what
you're seeing, what version of cyrus are you running, and do you have any
front ends (murder/proxies) or an unusual setup?

Dan White

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