cannot retrieve mail in desktop client

Dan White dwhite at
Thu Jun 30 00:10:07 EDT 2011

On 30/06/11 11:22 +0800, JonL wrote:
>g'day all,
>I'm new hear so please bear with me... this is my first cyru-imap install.
>I've had to rebuild my linux server mail server due to a hdd crash.  In so doing I've installed cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-27.8, with postfix.
>I've got postfix working as I can see mail going to "a" mailbox.
>Jun 30 10:04:33 mmtlnx postfix/local[8833]: E149F193AB: to=<jlmiller at>, relay=local, delay=1, status=sent  (delivered to maildir)
>I have to assume that this is going to /home/jlmiller/Maildir/new

Your emails are not being delivered to Cyrus, which uses it's own internal
mailbox format. Cyrus will be unable to read mail stored in Maildir

For documentation on configuring Postfix to deliver to Cyrus instead,

Dan White

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