<Type Number> in mailboxes.db

Dan White dwhite at olp.net
Wed Aug 3 09:38:01 EDT 2011

On 03/08/11 13:45 +0200, Frank Elsner wrote:
>On Tue, 2 Aug 2011 09:56:19 -0500 Dan White wrote:
>> It appears that mailcluster1 believes a mailbox transfer was initiated, but
>> has not yet completed (or failed).
>This happened.
>> You can use cyr_dbtool to manually edit the entry in your mailboxes.db, or
>> remove it. See:
>> http://asg.andrew.cmu.edu/archive/message.php?mailbox=archive.info-cyrus&msg=52899
>One more question:
>If I use cyr_dbtool for deletion does this interact with the mupdate server
>which has the correct data?

cyr_dbtool itself should not update the mupdate master. I do not know if
the mailbox entry would be removed on the master the next time the backend
updates it (such as on restart).

You could remove the entry on your mupdate master with cyr_dbtool, but it's
probably safer to re-add the mailbox on the backend (with cyradmin) that
master is pointing the mailbox to, which should bring state back in to sync
with master, and then delete (with cyradmin) or xfer as appropriate.

Dan White

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