different Cert for POP/IMAP

Jorey Bump list at joreybump.com
Sat Jan 10 09:24:06 EST 2009

mno wrote, at 01/10/2009 03:58 AM:

> I'm using cyrus with IMAPs and POP3s and would like to use different
> certificates 
> Looking at the default imap.conf file I have different parameters for a
> global certificate
> As well as individual params for Cert/keys for IMAP/ POPs etc. 
> When configuring the individual parameter pop3_tls_cert_file and
> pop3_tls_key_file it seems these params are ignord.
> Looking at the manpage (man imapd.conf) are not mentioned. 
> Though I' not a programmer, I had a look at the source itself and did not
> find any hint for the 
> Use of pop3_tls_cert_file and pop3_tls_key_file. 
> These params are useless - can anybody confirm this? 
> How can I use different Certificates for pop and imap ? 

What's in your cyrus.conf? Many parameters are global and can be
overridden by prepending a *name* defined in the SERVICES section of
cyrus.conf. The names are merely labels to describe the corresponding
arguments, which is where the actual service is defined. While it is
conventional to use names that match the service (pop3 for port 110,
pop3s for port 995, imap for port 143, etc.), it's not a requirement,
and is why you cannot find pop3_tls_key_file in the source.

If you want to support both STARTTLS on port 143 and POP3 over SSL on
port 995, you need to configure certificates for both names in the
SERVICES section of cyrus.conf.

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