ptloader binary

Ingo Steuwer steuwer at
Thu Jan 3 06:55:16 EST 2008

Hallo Lluis,

hope you don't mind that I repost back on the list.

Am Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2008 schrieb Lluis Faja:
> Dear Ingo,
> I followed this mail recommendations
> I've read imapd.conf and there aren't these parameters:
> auth_ldap_group, ldap_to_attr, ldap_from_attr
> In Debian Etch there is the Cyrus 2.2.13 version
> Thanks a lot, Lluís

Sorry for the confusion, indeed we are using a patch for that. I'd expect it 
to be part of kolab-cyrus-imapd in etch:

There is a patch "140-kolab-ldap.dpatch" mentioned in the annotations of the 

I don't know if this ist somehow related with "ptloader", I don't think so.


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