odd situation, converting from pop3->cyrus

Mike mikee at mikee.ath.cx
Sun Nov 19 20:45:37 EST 2006

The company's current setup is a bit odd. I have sendmail on my primary
server forwarding all email to a smarthost sort of setup that serves the
mail back to user's clients over pop3. I must not change anything in the
mail setup until I get everything working with imap4/cyrus. (I've seen
this the hardway, if anything is changes there are penalties to pay!)

Does someone have a configuration handy for using fetchmail(8) to pull
the mail from pop3, then send that mail to cyrus? I may not use sendmail
to forward the mail using the 'Mcyrus' class. I can't touch the sendmail
setup at all.

If I can show this works by using a $HOME/.fetchmailrc that pulls my
mail and I stop using any clients that pull using pop3, then I can change
the sendmail configuration to something much more simple than it is.

I tried the .fetchmailrc below, but fetchmail cannot reach the cyrus

skip pop3host protocol pop3 username "USER" password "PASS"
	is "mikee" smtphost "/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp"
skip cyrushost protocol imap4 username "USER" password "PASS"
	mda "/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp"

I have the defaults as keep since I do not want to delete any mail from
my boss while I'm trying to make this work. The other two rules are
'skip' so I can turn them on/off while I'm testing. In normal run I
expet them to be 'poll'.


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