cyrus-imapd 2.3.3-1

Aleksandar Milivojevic alex at
Wed Mar 8 09:29:04 EST 2006

Quoting Scott Russell <lnxgeek at>:

> Can anyone comment on how the cyrus-imapd 2.3.3-1 RPM is working for 
> them? I remember there were some stability problems in imapd after 
> 2.3.1-3 which was tracking CVS bug fixes and it was recommended to 
> back down to 2.3.1-2. I'm not sure what became of those reports or if 
> they have resurfaced again under 2.3.3-1.

I had it installed on couple of testing boxes.  It worked OK for 
"single-server" installation.  However, cluster (Murder) type of 
installation was unusable.  The mupdate process would just suck CPU and 
get stuck eventually.  I've wrote about this problem on the list, and 
it seems at least one more person hit the same problem (see the thread 
with subject "cyrus murder, mupdate sucking up CPU").  I also opened 
bugzilla entry (bug# 2806).  I had same problem with all 2.3.x that 
were released so far.

I haven't attempted to mix and match (2.3.x for backends, 2.2.x for 
frontends), so can't comment if that would work.

If you need Murder, you should do extensive testing and see if it would 
work for you.  It might be that it is just something in my 
configuration that triggers the problem.  Don't go head first into 
upgrading from 2.2.x.

If you are not using Murder, you should be fine.

See Ya' later, alligator!

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