How do I list flags?

Ken Murchison murch at
Sun Apr 9 09:57:52 EDT 2006

Ciprian Vizitiu wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> Which is the proper way to list the flags that a given Cyrus instance 
> knows about? Other than looking in the source code for that particular 
> instance? :-)

Are you talking about message flags?  Cyrus supports all of the 'system' 
flags in RFC 3501 (\Recent, \Seen, \Deleted, \Flagged, \Answered, 
\Draft) and any 'keywords' that the client desires.

 From an IMAP level, you'll see the flags listed in the PERMANENTFLAGS 
response to a SELECT.

 From the filesystem level, you can see the keywords that the 
client/user has used in cyrus.header in each mailbox.

Kenneth Murchison
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University

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