EMBARRASSING TO THE LIST: Re: *WARNING* Your Email Account Will Be Closed

Mark Nernberg m at telerama.com
Mon May 30 11:44:24 EDT 2005

This, along with other similar such things, should be a total embarrassment
to the list administrators and operators.

I am a member of about 40 different mailing lists dealing with different
open-source software.  Why is it that this is the only one which allows this
crap to make it through?

Considering that Project Cyrus aims to produce "secure" software, the total
lack of even basic anti-virus screening on the listserve (or, if there is
screening, the total failure of it), reeks of laziness on the part of the
system operators.

As such, I now question the validity of the claims that Cyrus IMAPD and SASL
are relatively secure.  If the programmers are as lazy as the system
operators, then IMAPD and SASL must be full of holes.

On 5/30/05 3:26 AM, "info at andrew.cmu.edu" <info at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> We attached some important information regarding your account.

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